About- celluloid universe

The theater can be seen as a place of dreams, hopes, and desires. When the lights dim and there is complete darkness all around, the first images appear on screen. Great films are made of magic, forcing you to believe that there is no other reality. For two hours, the film brings light into your darkness. Our dreams tend to have a certain power over us, providing an escape into our subconscious. For me, our subconscious is at the epicenter where all creation lies.

For filmmakers, musicians, and all artists to have the ability to tap into their subconscious, it gives us the chance to conjure imagery and sounds that are hopefully powerful in nature and bound to rock the viewer emotionally. Yet, with all forms of art there is seemingly a commonality between the art and a relationship with distance. Great cinema in my opinion should always be reflexive on how we live our own lives. Characters are not real people. The lives they live are not real. Instead, I see them as metaphors and symbolic meanings for us to decipher about our own lives.